Top Choice Dental

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Scaling and Planing for Gum Disease

Gum disease can cause the loss of teeth, spread of infection, and it can even increase one’s risk of heart attack and stroke. Proper treatment is necessary to restore oral and overall health. Here at Top Choice Dental in Hopkinsville, KY, scaling and root planing is part of how we treat gum disease.

Scaling and root planing contains two procedures. First, your dentist will scale your teeth, which means he is going to remove the plaque and tartar that is irritating the gums and causing cavities. Then, root planing takes place. Root planing involves smoothing down rough patches on the root so that bacteria cannot hide. This process is usually done in sections to minimize the patient’s time sitting in the chair. When all sections of the mouth are finished, the gums can heal healthily.

Gum disease begins with red, irritated gums that bleed easily. It can eventually evolve into a worse stage characterized by swollen, bright red gums that bleed, are painful, and cause bad breath. Pus may even develop in between the teeth as the infection develops. It can lead to the loss of teeth, increased overall health risks, and the spread of infection.

If you suspect you are developing gum disease, do not wait to schedule an appointment with us in our Hopkinsville, KY dental practice. To schedule at Top Choice Dental, call our office at (270) 886-8585 or visit our website,

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Occlusal Adjustment for Uneven Bites

An uneven bite or uneven feeling jaw is often the result of teeth clenching, grinding, missing teeth, or crowded teeth. Shifting teeth can also cause this problem. It can create sensitivity and abnormal wear-down on teeth. Fortunately, at Top Choice Dental in Hopkinsville, KY, we can perform occlusal adjustments for our patients with uncomfortable, uneven bites.

An occlusal adjustment is simply altering how your top and bottom teeth meet. We take a very fine file with a dental drill to reshape areas of the teeth. Our new technology allows us to detect very small disturbances in the bite, so we can make minor but accurate adjustments. Our computer program scans your mouth to find these tiny irregularities. We then use the dental drill and file to reshape the irregularities so that they will meet up with the rest of your teeth properly.

An even bite distributes pressure correctly and stops teeth from rubbing on other teeth in a destructive way. The end result of an occlusal adjustment should be a jaw that feels even, meets together comfortably, and does not create pain.

If you feel like your bite is “off” or like it is causing you pain, do not hesitate to come in for an examination. To schedule an appointment with Top Choice Dental of Hopkinsville, KY, call our office at (270) 886-8585 or visit our website,

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Inlays and Onlays- Partial Crowns That Look Natural

When a tooth sustains damage, it doesn’t always need to be fixed with a full dental crown. However, often it does need just a little more than a filling. This is why Top Choice Dental here in Hopkinsville, KY chooses to utilize inlays and onlays for dental restoration.

Inlays and onlays restore the chewing surface of the tooth. An inlay covers the chewing surface without any cusps. An onlay covers the chewing surface plus one or more cusps. These inlays and onlays are very durable; they have the ability to last for up to thirty years. They are also able to be made completely natural-looking so they will blend in with the rest of your tooth.

We create inlays and onlays by first removing any decay from your tooth and then taking an impression of the tooth. We send this impression to a dental laboratory to create a custom inlay or onlay made of gold, composite resin, or porcelain. The creation process will probably take a few weeks, so during this time, we will fit you with a temporary inlay or onlay. When the custom restoration is complete, we will permanently bond it into place.

Dental restorations do not have to ruin your smile. For a natural-looking restoration, contact Top Choice Dental of Hopkinsville, KY by calling our office at (270) 886-8585 or visiting our website,

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Veneers for a Picture Perfect Smile

Spring is on its way, which means it’s close to party season! Weddings, BBQs, and holiday weekends galore. Prepare yourself with a beautiful smile you will be proud to show off in all those party pictures! At Top Choice Dental in Hopkinsville, KY, we offer our patients veneers for a picture perfect smile!

Veneers are able to fix the look of many aesthetic issues like stains, cracks, crooked teeth, misshapen teeth, gaps, and more. All without the hassle of surgery or orthodontics. Veneers are thin ceramic shells that are permanently bonded to your existing teeth. They are durable and stain-resistant, so with good care, you can keep a perfect smile for five to ten years. The great thing is that they do not require any special care. You can take care of them just like you would your normal teeth; brush two to three times per day, floss once per day, and make routine visits to your dentist.

To apply veneers, first we prepare the teeth by removing a small amount of enamel. The veneers will replace this enamel. Once all of the teeth are prepared, we take impressions of your teeth and send them to a dental laboratory where a set of custom veneers are created for you. They are completely custom so they will fit great and look natural. While the veneers are being created, you will wear a temporary set of veneers. The permanent veneers are bonded into place when ready. The next time you smile for a picture you will have a brilliant and bright smile!

To schedule your consultation for a perfect smile, call Top Choice Dental in Hopkinsville, KY at (270) 886-8585. Appointments may also be made through our website,

Friday, March 4, 2016

Custom, Natural-Looking Crowns

Decayed or cracked teeth become weak and painful. They may no longer be able to last a lifetime in your mouth. They need strength and protection to become healthy again. At Top Choice Dental in Hopkinsville, KY, we add crowns to cracked or decayed teeth to restore their functionality and life.

When a tooth has some decay, is cracked, or is otherwise damaged, it can cause pain and become weak. If not treated, it can lead to infection and removal of the whole tooth. It is important to keep our original teeth for as long as we can which is why when a tooth becomes weakened but still has an intact root, we do not pull it. Instead, we place a crown on it. A dental crown is like a cap that covers the entire tooth that shows out of the gums. It restores its strength so you can continue to use it and it restores its health so it can stick around for a long time. In addition, we are able to make custom crowns that look very natural. You won’t be able to tell the different between your crown and a normal tooth!

To create a custom crown, we first prepare the tooth by removing any decay and reshaping it. An impression is then taken of the tooth. This impression is sent to a dental laboratory where the crown will be created from gold, porcelain, or porcelain fused to metal. During the creation process, you will wear a temporary crown. After the custom crown is ready, it is cemented into place.

If you are worried about how your tooth will look after it is restored, don’t sweat it! We can make natural-looking custom crowns. To schedule your appointment with Top Choice Dental in Hopkinsville, KY, call our office at (270) 886-8585 or visit our website,